Mona Høvring
Winner of the Aschehoug Prize 2024
Winner of the Dobloug Prize 2021
Winner of the Critics’ Prize 2018
Longlisted for the Prix Femina 2021 (France)
Nominated for the Triztan Vindtorn Poetry Prize 2024
Nominated for the Booksellers’ Prize 2018
Nominated for the Nordic Council Literature Prize 2014
Winner of the Unified Language Prize 2012
Mona Høvring (born 1962) made her debut as a poet in 1998, and has since published five more collections of poetry and four novels. Her first novel, the acclaimed Something That Helps, came out in 2004. After her 2012 novel The Waiting Room in the Atlantic, she was awarded the Unified Language Prize. In 2013, her third novel, Camilla’s Long Nights, was nominated for the Nordic Council Literature Prize. After the highly praised book of poetry Girl with Skull (2017), she returned to prose with the novel Because Venus Crossed an Alp Violet on the Day I Was Born. A definite breakthrough for the author, the book won the Critics’ Prize, became a finalist for the Booksellers’ Prize and ended up on numerous critics’ best of 2018 lists.
“[Høvring] has never written a book longer than 130 pages. And yet, [her] works are very weighty in literary terms. … The works are characterized by a rare ability to formulate condensed, surprising sentences that seek existential insight, as well as great linguistic, formal, and thematic richness. … The texts feel as if they are poured directly from a brimful well of slow-flowing melancholy, feelings of loss, and longing for inner peace, but also of bubbling desire and bliss at being met with grace, or catching sight of the sacred. At the same time, there is little reverence for these overwhelming core experiences of human life; the language is often seemingly simple and always bold…. [Her books] are extrovert and genre-expanding, twisting motifs and forms from myths and biblical texts.”
From the Aschehoug Prize jury statement

- The Saga of Froyd. His Opinions and Disposition, Also Containing a Few Moments of Pure Bliss
- Soga om Fråid. Hans meiningar og livskjensle, som også inneheld somme salige stunder
- Mona Høvring
- Samlaget, 2021
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- DanishForlaget Torsdag
- FrenchNotabilia/Noir sur blanc
- SwedishLil’Lit

- Because Venus Crossed an Alpine Violet on the Day That I Was Born
- Fordi Venus passerte en alpefiol den dagen jeg blei født
- Mona Høvring
- Forlaget Oktober, 2018
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- DanishLESEN
- DutchUitgeverij Oevers
- English/North AmericaBook*hug
- FrenchNotabilia/Noir sur blanc
- Germanedition fünf
- SpanishMalpaso
- SwedishLil’Lit

- Girl with Skull
- Jente med dødningehode
- Mona Høvring
- Forlaget Oktober, 2017
Fiction, Poems
- LanguageForeign publisher
- SwedishLil’Lit

- Camilla’s Long Nights
- Camillas lange netter
- Mona Høvring
- Forlaget Oktober, 2013
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- ——

- The Waiting Room in the Atlantic
- Venterommet i Atlanteren
- Mona Høvring
- Forlaget Oktober, 2012
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- DanishLESEN
- DutchUitgeverij Oevers
- FrenchNotabilia/Noir sur blanc
- SwedishBakhåll

- The Squirrel and the Rickety Bridge
- Ekornet og den vaklevorne brua
- Mona Høvring
- Forlaget Oktober, 2010
Fiction, Poems
- LanguageForeign publisher
- ——

- Oh Paradise
- Å Paradis
- Mona Høvring
- Forlaget Oktober, 2008
Fiction, Poems
- LanguageForeign publisher
- ——

- Ordinary Miracles
- Helt vanlige mirakler
- Mona Høvring
- Forlaget Oktober, 2006
Fiction, Poems
- LanguageForeign publisher
- ——

- Something That Helps
- Noe som hjelper
- Mona Høvring
- Forlaget Oktober, 2004
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- DanishLESEN
- DutchUitgeverij Oevers
- English/North AmericaBook*hug
- Germanedition fünf

- Lonely Days at the Beach and Other Poems
- Ensomme badedager og andre dikt
- Mona Høvring
- Forlaget Oktober, 2000
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- ——