Merethe Lindstrøm
Winner of the Nordic Council Literature Prize and Norwegian Critics’ Prize 2012
Merethe Lindstrøm (b. 1963) made her debut in 1983 with a collection of short stories, and has since published a number of short stories, novels and a children’s book. Her novel The Stone Collectors (1996) won her two awards, and she was also nominated for the prestigeous 2008 Nordic Council’s Literary Prize and the Norwegian Critics’ Award for her short story collection The Guests. In 2008, she was awarded the Dobloug Prize for her entire literary work. For her novel Days in the History of Silence, she was awarded both the Nordic Council Literature Prize and the Critics’ Prize.

- When We Sing
- Når vi synger
- Merethe Lindstrøm
- Forlaget Oktober, 2023
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- DutchUitgeverij Oevers

- Winter Horse
- Vinterhest
- Merethe Lindstrøm
- Forlaget Oktober, 2022
Fiction, Short stories
- LanguageForeign publisher
- ——

- The Anatomy of Birds
- Fuglenes anatomi
- Merethe Lindstrøm
- Forlaget Oktober, 2019
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- DanishBatzer

- North
- Nord
- Merethe Lindstrøm
- Forlaget Oktober, 2017
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- DanishGyldendal
- FrenchCambourakis
- GermanMatthes & Seitz
- HungarianPolar Könyvek
- SwedishWeyler

- From the Winter Archives
- Fra vinterarkivene
- Merethe Lindstrøm
- Forlaget Oktober, 2015
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- DanishTiderne Skifter
- DutchUitgeverij Oevers
- EstonianEesti Raamat
- FaroeseSprotin
- GermanMatthes & Seitz
- SerbianGeopoetika
- SwedishWeyler

- Architect
- Arkitekt
- Merethe Lindstrøm
- 2013
Fiction, Short stories
- LanguageForeign publisher
- DanishBatzer
- SwedishWeyler

- Days in the History of Silence
- Dager i stillhetens historie
- Merethe Lindstrøm
- Forlaget Oktober, 2011
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- BulgarianKnigopis
- CroatianFidipid
- DanishTiderne Skifter
- DutchUitgeverij Oevers
- English/North AmericaOther Press
- EstonianEesti Raamat
- FaroeseSprotin
- FrenchCambourakis
- GermanMatthes & Seitz
- HungarianNoran Libro
- IcelandicDraumsyn
- MacedonianBata Press
- MalayalamMegha Books
- PortugueseArkheion
- RomanianCasa Cartii de Stiinta
- SerbianGeopoetika
- SpanishErrata Naturae
- SwedishWeyler

- The Guests
- Gjestene
- Merethe Lindstrøm
- Aschehoug, 2007
Fiction, Short stories
- LanguageForeign publisher
- CzechDybbuk

- The Child Searcher
- Barnejegeren
- Merethe Lindstrøm
- Aschehoug, 2005
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- SwedishWeyler

- Nothing about the Dark
- Ingenting om mørket
- Merethe Lindstrøm
- Aschehoug, 2003
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- ——

- A Shelter for the Night
- Natthjem
- Merethe Lindstrøm
- Forlaget Oktober, 2002
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- ——

- I Know This House
- Jeg kjenner dette huset
- Merethe Lindstrøm
- Aschehoug, 1999
Fiction, Short stories
- LanguageForeign publisher
- ——

- The Substitute
- Stedfortrederen
- Merethe Lindstrøm
- Aschehoug, 1997
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- FrenchGallimard
- GermanGoldmann

- Stone Collectors
- Steinsamlere
- Merethe Lindstrøm
- Aschehoug, 1996
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- CroatianFidipid
- DanishBatzer

- The Realm of the Rain Children
- Regnbarnas rike
- Merethe Lindstrøm
- Aschehoug, 1992
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- GermanKnaus