Sex og religion

Universitetsforlaget, 2009

History & Society

248 pages

Sex and Religion – From Purity Balls to Sacred Homosexuality

Dag Øistein Endsjø

Religion prohibits and orders sex, condemns and blesses, punishes and rewards. The gender of your sex partner, your marital status, the colour of your skin, your religion or caste are all factors that can lead you to redemption or perdition. Welcome to the sexual universe of religion.

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  • Language Foreign publisher
  • ArabicSefsafa Culture & Publishing
  • Braz. PortugueseGerecao Editorial
  • BulgarianPerseus
  • Chinese (complex)China Social Science Press
  • English/UKReaktion Books
  • ItalianCasa Editrice ODOYA
  • MacedonianBata Press
  • PolishWydawnictwo Czarna Owca
  • SerbianKarpos Booka
  • SwedishNorstedts

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