“A luminous book on life. If language is power, Tormod Haugland is a powerful man. He has language in the palm of his hand”
“In his own quiet, empathetic way, Tormod Haugland continues writing his life as a novel … no author I’ve writes with great tact and kindness for the people he grew up with: He has no axes to grind, nothing to avenge, nobody he wants to expose, unless it it’s himself he struggles to understand, no matter how painful it can feel. In the process he doesn’t og easy on himself, but still remains throughout the book a wonderful man to get to know … a coming-of-age and love novel of extraordinary quality”
5/6 stars, Stavanger Aftenblad
“A vivid, searching book on sleepwalking. Autobiographical and simple on the surface, but with a subtext rich in associations … The novel binds elements together in a way that creates crossing patterns and strange connections. Schools of herring swimming into the bay, the eyes of drunken men, great writing, all of this “shines” in the novel in the shape of reflections, like moonlight”
5/6 stars Bergens Tidende