“Grytten writes unvarnished stories about people, water and the fragility of life … The stories themselves often float. Paragraphs sometimes come up against each other like ebb and flow, and Grytten can put small children, young people, boys, girls, women or men at the centre of the story, he knows how they think and the reader believes almost every word … short meetings, such as the story about the fat man on the beach, stick in the mind, you get close to something, something tragic, something strange, or, as in other stories: the fragility of life”
Odd W. Surén, Dag og Tid
“Hats off for Grytten the storyteller, who can describe with equally great insight how a boy observes the girl he is in love with and the girl’s experience of being seen, no matter what phase of life they are in … he articulates what he wants to say with both wit and care. This beautiful prose – which is completely his own – shines with great love for the characters he writes about. And they concern us, because they look like us … Because we were there. We say it, felt it, knew the atmosphere, and Frode Grytten remembers it for us”
Fartein Horgar, Adresseavisen
“These stories are enriched by both a political message and a personal voice, showing that Grytten wants something more than just to please with what he writes. The tiny doubts I must admit I felt about a book which so explicitly presents itself as a summer book, i.e. as a light and easy summer read, have disappeared completely when I close the book. Because Grytten’s stories quite simply convince”
Ulla Svalheim, Vårt Land
“Among the best things I’ve read in a long time … written in a way that only Frode Grytten can”
Jannicke Totland, Framtida
“12 short stories that are unusually suitable as summer holiday reading. Not just because the stories are well-written and thought-provoking, which Grytten’s writings usually are, but also because most of them are about summer, sun and life in general … That the writer himself intimately knows the joys of water, isn’t difficult to see.”
Jan-Erik Østlie, Fri Fagbevegelse