Reidar Müller
Reidar Müller (b. 1971) has a doctorate in geology and is associated with University of Oslo as a researcher. He is also an educated journalist and has written regularly about Natural science in the Norwegian national newspaper, Aftenposten. His book This is What Norway Became (2014) aroused excitement among reviews and the public. The book was reprinted severaltimes, making the author a sought after speaker.
Book info
Foreign publisher

- Life is Dangerous! The Amazing Story of the Evolution of Life from Bacteria to You
- Livet er livsfarlig! Den utrolige historien om livets utvikling fra bakterier til deg
- Reidar Müller, Sigbjørn Lilleeng
- Aschehoug, 2024
- LanguageForeign publisher
- Chinese (simplified)Tianda Culture
- CzechHost
- DanishStraarup & co.
- GermanThienemann-Esslinger
- PolishZysk
- RomanianBookzone SRL
- SpanishB de Blok (PRH Spain)
- SwedishAlfabeta Bokförlag

- Fire and Ice – The History of the Climate
- Ild og is
- Reidar Müller
- Aschehoug, 2022
History & Society
- LanguageForeign publisher
- HungarianTypotex Kiadó

- Howling in the Woods – The History of the Forest and the Man Who Came Looking for the Grey Wolf
- Skogens historie
- Reidar Müller
- Aschehoug, 2018
Popular science
- LanguageForeign publisher
- CzechOmega
- GermanDroemer Knaur
- ItalianSonzogno di Marsilio Editori
- RussianCorpus
- SpanishLumen/PRH