Marianne Kaurin
Marianne Kaurin (b. 1974) has earned several international literary awards for her books for children and young adults. Her middle grade novel Our Own Little Paradise is awarded one of the most prestigious literary prizes in the world, Deutsche Jugendliteraturpreis 2021, also awarded the German LUCHS of the Month Prize by Radio Bremen and Die Zeit, and Book of the Month by Deutsche Akademie Für Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. The audio edition is on the German radio channel h2 Best Book of the Year list. Kaurin’s debut, the YA novel Almost Autumn, received two of the top youth literature prizes in her home country of Norway, and the English translation won the American literary prize The 2018 Sydney Taylor Book Award. Kaurin has studied creative writing and literature at the Norwegian Children’s Book Institute. She lives at Nesodden, close to Oslo, Norway, and works as an editor of children’s books.

- Inken for Class President
- Trivselslederen
- Marianne Kaurin
- Aschehoug, 2023
- LanguageForeign publisher
- GermanWoow Books

- Our Own Little Paradise
- Syden
- Marianne Kaurin
- Aschehoug, 2018
- LanguageForeign publisher
- CatalanPagès Editors
- Chinese (simplified)Citic Press
- CzechHost
- DanishTurbine
- FaroeseBókadeild
- GeorgianSulakauri
- GermanWoow Books
- HungarianCentral Médiacsoport
- ItalianLa Nouva Frontiera
- KoreanYeoyoudang
- LithuanianTerra Publica
- PortugueseFábula PRH
- SlovakianTatran
- SloveneZaložba Zala
- SpanishVegueta Ediciones
- SwedishLilla Piratförlaget
- UkrainianThe Old Lion Publishing House
- World EnglishArctis US

- Your Majesty
- Deres Majestet
- Marianne Kaurin, Ella K. Okstad
- Aschehoug, 2016
- LanguageForeign publisher
- GermanMagellan

- Almost Autumn
- Nærmere høst
- Marianne Kaurin
- Aschehoug, 2012
- LanguageForeign publisher
- DanishTurbine
- English/North AmericaScholastic
- GermanArctis