Linnea Vestre
Linnea Vestre (b. 1993) has studied at the Art Academy in Oslo. She works as an illustrator, musician, designer, and visual artist. She has written and illustrated the non-fiction children’s book, The Animal Book of Records (2020) together with her sister, Katharina Vestre.
Book info
Foreign publisher

- The Nature Book of Records
- Naturens rekordbok
- Katharina Vestre, Linnea Vestre
- Aschehoug, 2023
Children, Picture Book, Non-fiction
- LanguageForeign publisher
- DanishGyldendal
- GermanMoses Verlag
- GreekPotamos
- SwedishLilla Piratförlaget

- The Animal Book of Colors
- Dyrenes fargebok
- Linnea Vestre
- Aschehoug, 2022
Picture Book
- LanguageForeign publisher
- ——

- The Animal Book of Counting
- Dyrenes tellebok
- Linnea Vestre
- Aschehoug, 2022
Picture Book
- LanguageForeign publisher
- ——

- The Animal Book of Records
- Dyrenes rekordbok
- Katharina Vestre, Linnea Vestre
- Aschehoug, 2020
Children, Picture Book, Non-fiction
- LanguageForeign publisher
- Chinese (simplified)Post Wave
- DanishGyldendal
- DutchQuerido
- FaroeseBókadeild
- GermanMoses Verlag
- GreekPotamos
- PolishZysk
- RomanianUnivers Publishing House
- RussianExmo
- SpanishBiblos / Minamenau
- SwedishLilla Piratförlaget
- TurkishDomingo

- The Making of You. A Journey From Cell to Human
- Det første mysteriet
- Katharina Vestre, Linnea Vestre
- Aschehoug, 2018
Popular science
- LanguageForeign publisher
- BulgarianPerseus
- CatalanPlaneta (Catalan)
- Chinese (simplified)Science and Technology Press
- CzechOmega
- DanishTurbine
- DutchAmboanthos
- English/North AmericaGreystone
- English/UKProfile Books
- EstonianTänapäev
- FrenchFlammarion
- Germanbtb Random House
- HungarianCser Kiado
- ItalianMondadori
- JapaneseKawade Shobo Shinsha
- KoreanGimmyoung
- PolishZysk
- RomanianPublica
- RussianEksmo
- SlovakianSlovart
- SpanishPlaneta (Spain)
- SwedishAtlantis
- TurkishKaplumbaa publishing house