Lars Ramslie
Lars Ramslie (born 1974) is one of the most distinctive and unique voices in contemporary Norwegian literature. He made his debut in 1997 with the novel Biopsy, for which he was awarded the Tarjei Vesaas First Book Prize. In 2004 Ramslie was voted one of Norway’s 10 best writers under 35 by the Norwegian Festival of Literature and Morgenbladet. In 2023 he published his seventh novel, The Mountain, the Gun, the Lake. The same year he won the Oktober Prize.
“Lars Ramslie has a body of work that is unlike anything else in Norwegian literature. He is the author of eight novels, and this spring, The Mountain, the Gun, the Lake was published, perhaps his very best, strongest, and most focused novel. It’s a significant achievement … It is a novel filled with a strange tenderness and love, but also with a restrained anger, and the reception has not only been overwhelmingly positive but also – if I may say – overwhelmingly affectionate”
Jury announcement, The Oktober Prize

- The Mountain, the Gun, the Lake
- Fjellet, geværet, vannet
- Lars Ramslie
- Forlaget Oktober, 2023
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- DutchUitgeverij Oevers
- FrenchEditions Paulsen
- GermanKarl Rauch Verlag

- Little Bird. What Is Done Out of Love
- Liten fugl. Alt som blir gjort av kjærlighet
- Lars Ramslie
- Forlaget Oktober, 2016
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- ——

- Little Bird. Mother’s Book
- Liten fugl. Mors bok
- Lars Ramslie
- Forlaget Oktober, 2014
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- ——

- Uglybugly
- Uglybugly
- Lars Ramslie
- Forlaget Oktober, 2004
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- English/UKDedalus
- RussianKislorod

- Fatso
- Fatso
- Lars Ramslie
- Forlaget Oktober, 2003
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- English/UKNew Island
- FinnishNemi