Photo: Photo: Agnete Brun
Klara Hveberg
Klara Hveberg was born in 1974 and grew up in Molde, on the western coast of Norway. Initially planning to study music and literature, she ended up earning a PhD in mathematics, writing her thesis on fractal geometry. Lean your loneliness slowly against mine (Lene din ensomhet langsomt mot min, Aschehoug 2019) is her first novel. It has been sold to several countries, including the US, England, Germany and Korea.
Book info
Foreign publisher

- Lean Your Loneliness Slowly Against Mine
- Lene din ensomhet langsomt mot min
- Klara Hveberg
- 2019
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- DanishTurbine
- Germanbtb Random House
- KoreanSobitkil
- PolishMarpress
- World EnglishHarper Via