Carl Frode Tiller
European Prize for Literature 2009
Hunger Prize 2008
Norwegian Book Award Brage Prize 2007
Critics’ Prize 2007
Tarjei Vesaas First Book Award 2001
P2 Listeners’ Best Novel Prize 2001
Nominated to the Nordic Council Literature Prize 2008 and 2010
Doubtless one of his generation’s most important novelists, Carl Frode Tiller (b 1970) is admired for his instantly recognizable, furious prose and his ability to create vivid, complex characters. Tiller succeeds in portraying these tragic characters in a way that arouses the deepest sympathy in the reader.
In 2005 he was named one of the 10 best Norwegian writers under 35. In 2006, The Slope was named among the 25 most important Norwegian novels from the last 25 years in a prestigious contest in the daily Dagbladet. In 2018, LA Review of Books characterized his latest US publication Encircling 2 as an “incomparable intellectual escarpade”.
In addition to his novels, Tiller has written several plays, short stories and short prose for various magazines and newspapers.

- A Worker’s Heart- Book 1
- Arbeidarhjerte 1
- Carl Frode Tiller
- Aschehoug, 2024
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- DanishGutkind
- DutchUitgeverij Oevers

- The Strange Country
- Det framande landet
- Carl Frode Tiller
- Aschehoug, 2022
- LanguageForeign publisher
- ——

- Flight
- Flukt
- Carl Frode Tiller
- Aschehoug, 2021
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- CroatianNaklada Ljevak
- DanishGutkind
- DutchUitgeverij Oevers
- Germanbtb Random House
- PolishWydawnictwo Poznańskie

- Beginnings
- Begynnelser
- Carl Frode Tiller
- Aschehoug, 2017
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- DanishRosinante
- DutchUitgeverij Oevers
- Germanbtb Random House
- PolishWydawnictwo Poznańskie

- Encircling III
- Innsirkling III
- Carl Frode Tiller
- Aschehoug, 2014
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- ArabicDar Kalemat
- DanishGutkind
- DutchPrometheus
- English/North AmericaGraywolf
- English/UKSort of Books
- Germanbtb Random House
- HungarianGondolat

- Encircling II
- Innsirkling II
- Carl Frode Tiller
- Aschehoug, 2010
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- AlbanianMorava
- ArabicDar Kalemat
- CzechDauphin
- DanishGutkind
- DutchPrometheus
- English/North AmericaGraywolf
- English/UKSort of Books
- Germanbtb Random House
- HungarianGondolat
- SerbianZavet Publishing House
- SpanishSajalín editores
- SwedishFlo Forlag

- Encircling
- Innsirkling
- Carl Frode Tiller
- 2007
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- AlbanianMorava
- ArabicDar Kalemat
- BulgarianAvantgard
- CroatianNaklada Ljevak
- CzechDauphin
- DanishGutkind
- DutchPrometheus
- English/North AmericaGraywolf
- English/UKSort of Books
- FrenchEditions Stock
- GeorgianElf Publishing House
- Germanbtb Random House
- GreekVakxikon
- HungarianGondolat
- ItalianStilo Editrice
- LatvianZvaigzne
- MacedonianMagor
- PolishWydawnictwo Literackie
- RomanianCasa Cartii de Stiinta
- RussianCorpus
- SerbianZavet Publishing House
- SloveneBeletrina Academic Press
- SpanishSajalín editores
- SwedishFlo Forlag
- TurkishMundi

- Minor Characters
- Bipersonar
- Carl Frode Tiller
- Aschehoug, 2003
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- DanishAthene
- SwedishTrolltrumma film och förlag

- The Slope
- Skråninga
- Carl Frode Tiller
- Aschehoug, 2001
Fiction, Novel
- LanguageForeign publisher
- BulgarianAvangard
- DanishAschehoug Dansk Forlag
- IcelandicSalka
- SloveneModrijan
- SwedishSöderström