Photo: Yngvild Gotaas Torvik
Anna Kleiva
Anna Kleiva was born in 1985 in Oslo, and grew up in Vinstra in the Gudbransdalen Valley. She made her debut with the collection of poetry Ten Similar Versions in 2011, and followed up with Springs Later in 2015, which was awarded the Natt & Dag Oslo Prize in 2014 and the Melsom Prize in 2015. In 2015 she was also the recipient of the Bjørnson Grant. A third collection of poetry, Drinking Songs from Paris (2016), was followed up her first novel, Echo Mountain in 2018.
Book info
Foreign publisher

- Echo Mountain
- Echo Mountain
- Anna Kleiva
- Forlaget Oktober, 2018
Fiction, Novel, Essays
- LanguageForeign publisher
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