Lars Ramslie wins the Oktober Prize 2023

Lars Ramslie has been awarded the Oktober Prize 2023! The October Prize aims to contribute to strengthening and further developing the work of a significant, younger writer who stands out for his or her literary courage.

In her speech, Oktober’s publisher Ingeri Engelstad said:

“Lars Ramslie has a body of work that is unlike anything else in Norwegian literature. He is the author of eight novels, and this spring, The Mountain, the Gun, the Lake was published, perhaps his very best, strongest, and most focused novel. It’s a significant achievement. In it, he returns to the themes from his debut Biopsy, which serve as the core themes from which all his works stem. It is a novel filled with a strange tenderness and love, but also with a restrained anger, and the reception has not only been overwhelmingly positive but also – if I may say – overwhelmingly affectionate… “Ways of Caring”, the first chapter of The Mountain, the Gun, the Lake, could be seen as a kind of motto for his entire oeuvre; in all his books, he is preoccupied with what care is and could be, both within families and in society. And he himself displays great care for all his characters, an empathy and tenderness even for those who fail”

Read more on The Mountain, the Gun, the Lake here:The Mountain, the Gun, the Lake – Oslo Literary Agency

Photo: Ane Øien Stensland